Most diseases are caused by the presence of bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites (micro-organisms) in and around us. Every day we are being attacked by a large amount of micro-organisms. These are obtained through infection via air, food or water, or genetically/sexually transferred. These micro-organisms have their own unique negative vibratory field within your body.
On the basis of the law of nature “what you focus your attention on, you become”, I am able to feel these vibrations and, with the help of kinesiology (muscle testing), determine which microorganism is involved in the symptoms or disease. By using natural substances as chakra remedies the microorganisms are killed, and will be removed from your body and the symptoms or disease will eventually disappear.
The remedies are usually provided in the form of sugar granules which contain the frequency of an element, mineral, fatty acid required for the elimination of this specific micro-organism. These frequencies are the opposite of the micro-organisms involved. The frequencies in these remedies will never burden the body because they belong in the natural vibratory field of the human body.
Treatment method
A clairvoyant can see images without using the eyes. The ‘clair-observer’ is able to perceive by ‘feeling’. I use my sensitive abilities as a clair-observer to determine the underlying cause of the disorder.
Most people do not experience any side effects of a treatment. Side effects that sometimes occur are usually the result of the initiation of detoxification, and can vary from fatigue, headaches, nausea to skin rashes. They are usually of short duration.
Note: My advice or treatment is not a substitute for regular medical assistance. Discuss actions that arise from my consultations with your GP or specialist. In case of acute physical and mental complaints always consult your doctor first.